Friday, 11 March 2011



Well for starters I can say I now know how to blog!  If it wasn't for studying this GDLT I probably never would have considered setting one up.  This is a fantastic tool for reflecting on my learning.  It has made me consider more and given me a sense of achievement.  Having access to other people's reflections has also been highly beneficial as it allows deeper ponderings to occur when reading something I hadn't previously considered.

Using a blog to reflect can give learners the opportunity to self assess and critique.  They can make their way up the Bloom's Taxonomy (1956) ladder into higher-order thinking and bring all of their creative ideas together.

Unless someone is giving personal feedback on my blog I can't see how Behaviourism is connected to this activity.  If, however, we're talking about self appraising, then I can say that after comparing my own blog to others, I have beat myself up a bit and this did have an affect on my behaviour, but I can't tell you what I did and said because it's probably not appropriate.

Through posting my findings and thoughts to a blog it enabled me to have an active role in my own learning processes.  By sharing analytical thoughts, making connections and comparing to others I can see that there are elements of the 3C's - that is Constructivism, Connectivism and Cognitivism.

Posting results, thoughts, findings, etc., to a blog enables students to reflect in a way which is definately more fun and exciting then paper and pencil.  It gives them the opportunity to be metacognitive before branching out and viewing other's posts and learning even more.

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