Thursday, 3 March 2011

Finally......Learning Styles Results

I'm an active learner - that's right, I absolutely cannot sit for long periods just listening.  I like to think that I do find a balance between being active and reflective, however the test shows I'm strongly on the active side.  I can sometimes charge into things like a bull at a gate without proper thought first.

In regards to sensory and intuitive learning I'm  on a pretty even keel which is great because that's telling me I don't have to work too hard to compensate for one or the other.  It does help, however, to know how these learnings operate.

It's surprising to find that I'm only just on the visual side of the visual/verbal scale, as I thought I was a big visual learner.  I do know that I definately struggle when trying to learn in a mainly spoken situation.  I have a tendency to switch off even when the words are spoken in my own head while reading.

On the Sequential/Global scale, I'm leaning slightly towards being a global learner.  I do jump to the end sometimes to find a solution and then find myself having to go back later to fill in the steps and justify my answers.  The big picture is important to me and I need this before going ahead.  My head can't deal well with short bursts of learning on many different subjects.  I work much better in large bursts concentrating on one thing.

On the converse, mostly I feel I'm a pretty regimental, organised person and I do require a mapped out day.  Now I'm getting confused!!

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